New Breed Training Center
Uniform Policy
For every training session, clean uniforms and training gear are required. As always, but especially during these hot summer months, please ensure that your uniforms are properly washed and cleaned after each training session. Patrons wearing dirty gear or uniforms with foul-smelling odors will be asked not to participate until they have proper training equipment.
No sharp objects on the mats. This includes zippers, jewelry, buttons, etc. Objects like zippers or earrings can and previously have caused damage to both other training partners and the mats themselves.
Uniform Policy

Gi Jiu-Jitsu (Kids and Adults)
A jiu-jitsu gi is required to train jiu-jitsu. Gis specific to other martial arts, like karate or taekwondo, will not be permitted. While we do not have a color requirement at New Breed, we ask that patrons do not “mix and match” gi tops and pants (i.e., wear a black gi top with white gi pants).
If your gi pants rip during a training session, please repair or replace the gi pants by the next time you come in to train. Large holes can be a hazard for grips as fingers can get caught, etc.
Children without a complete uniform (gi top, gi pants, and belt) will not be permitted to spar.

No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu
A rashguard or tight-fitting shirt is required for No-Gi. Board shorts or spats are acceptable uniform, but no pockets or zippers are allowed. Patrons wearing shorts or pants with pockets or zippers will not be permitted to train. Gi pants are also acceptable, but not recommended.
Boxing/ Muay Thai
Bag gloves are required for striking classes, as well as hand wraps as needed. Members who are participating in sparring sessions must wear headgear and a mouthpiece.
We greatly appreciate your cooperation with the uniform guidelines listed above. Members who fail to follow these guidelines will not be allowed to participate in their corresponding classes. Compliance with these guidelines will be up to staff and instructor discretion. If you have questions as to whether or not certain gear is acceptable, please feel free to contact Mark, Mykee, Sam, or Benny.